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With 75 languages available, translating and customizing your learning content is easier than ever with Easygenerator’s auto-translation feature.
Used & trusted by 2000+ companies worldwide
Translate your courses to and from 75 languages in a few clicks
With advanced machine learning translation powered by Amazon AWS, localizing your e-learning content is easier than ever in Easygenerator.
Manage e-learning localization from start to finish in one tool
Translate, review, and share your Easygenerator created e-learning content all in one zero-learning curve solution.
Accelerate the translation process and save money along the way
Save time and money by not needing external language service providers. Meet your local training needs faster and cheaper with Easygenerator’s in-house solution.
Don’t compromise on quality
Once your course is translated into your language of choice, invite reviewers and add your branding for the perfect finishing touch.
Discover the powerful features packed into Easygenerator's auto-translation feature
75 languages available
From the most to least common languages, we’ve got you covered
Translate courses in a few clicks
With the auto-translation feature built into our tool, translating your courses is easier than ever
Translation powered by Amazon AWS
Amazon Translate uses advanced machine learning to ensure high-quality translations
Ready to get your courses localized?
  • 14 day trial with access to all Enterprise features.
  • Get unlimited design inspirations to level up your courses.
  • Upload your PowerPoint presentations in a few clicks.