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Level up your e-learning creation

Introducing: EasyAI

Create faster. Improve quality. Boost learning. That’s EasyAI.
Meet EasyAI
At Easygenerator, we’re on a mission to make it easy for anyone in your company to create and share engaging e-learning. With EasyAI, it’s easier than ever.  
Fast track your course creation

EasyAI will take the speed of course creation to the next level, so you can share knowledge in a fraction of the time and meet your e-learning needs at scale.
Ideate & brainstorm: Don’t know where to start your course? Let EasyAI unlock creative ideas for you based on your topic.
Summarize: Generate compelling summaries and transform long pieces of text into digestible content.
Simplify: Eliminate unnecessary details and improve comprehension with clear, concise language.
Create bullet points: Move away from overwhelming paragraphs. Save time and heighten readability with automated bullet point lists.
Craft high-quality
e-learning with Ask AI

Experience high-quality, engaging, and rapid e-learning creation like never before. Need an explanation or a comprehensive paragraph on a specific topic? Ask AI responds to a diverse range of prompts to assist in every phase of content creation. 

Boost learning at scale

Better assessments mean increased knowledge retention. With EasyAI, both seasoned and inexperienced course authors can effortlessly craft relevant, engaging, and challenging questions that enhance the learning experience.
Generate questions: Promote deeper learning with custom questions generated for you in seconds. Choose from several question types, based on your topic, learning objective, or personal preference.
Create assessments easily: Once you’ve generated and chosen your ideal question, EasyAI will automatically create a dedicated question page for your course.
Frequently asked questions
All the answers you need
How do I get started with EasyAI? +

Start with EasyAI on a free 14-day trial for full AI feature access. If you are an existing Easygenerator customer, please contact our Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager for further information.

How does EasyAI use my data? +

Easygenerator takes security and privacy seriously. Discover how EasyAI will use your data. We will use your data to train our models, but we will only train our models on voluntary feedback received from our customers. This will allow for safeguarding proprietary information. 

What is the benefit of using the integrated AI solution versus one of the open platforms? +

Our integrated AI model is specific to Easygenerator and trained for e-learning use cases. This way, you get a higher-quality output for your e-learning courses.  

Does it cost anything to use EasyAi? +

EasyAI is in a free betatesting phase and can be available as an add-on feature to your plan for now.

Can I get a free trial of Easygenerator with EasyAI? +

Yes! You can sign up for a free 14-day trial with Easygenerator.

Try EasyAI for 14 days, no credit card required
  • 14 day trial with access to all EasyAI features.
  • Dive into AI-driven conversations for smooth course creation.
  • Generate engaging questions for enhanced learner comprehension.