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Product update: October 2022

This month, our product team has worked hard to enhance your experience with Easygenerator. We’re happy to present new and improved features so you can keep providing the best learning experiences. 

Inês Pinto

What’s new?

✔️ Co-authors in auto-translated courses
✔️ Block learners using personal login credentials
✔️ Technical fixes to improve our tool

Co-authors in automated translation

Did you know you can automatically translate your Easygenerator courses into 75 languages with the click of a button? Our team has continued to work to improve this newest add-on to our tool. Now, authors can assign co-authors during the translation process. This makes it even easier to collaborate while working on your new course.

Block authors with personal credentials

Our tool is developed with cybersecurity concerns in mind. For that reason, organizations with single sign-on (SSO) enabled can now block users from signing up and signing in with personal credentials. Organization admins can enable this feature in the Admin Dashboard.

Technical improvements

We’re always working to improve our tool to make your e-learning course creation process more seamless. This month, our team focused on a variety of technical fixes within our tool. This included adding a Resource count and a tab for LTI 1.3 configuration in the Admin Dashboard.

What’s next?

Want to know what’s next? We’re working hard to add new features to make it even easier for your organization to share knowledge.

Check our previous updates so you don’t miss out on exciting features and improvements.

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About the author

Inês Pinto is the content manager at Easygenerator. Originally from Portugal, she grew up in Canada and the US before returning to Europe to complete her university studies. She currently resides in Rotterdam with her husband, daughter, and two dogs.