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Product update: October 2019

New this month: fresh redesign of our example courses library. Learn how you can benefit from the latest enhancements to Easygenerator and share knowledge more effectively.

Igor Rudi
New example courses

Introducing a fresh redesign of the Example Courses library

Starting from scratch is by no means easy. We know and understand. But things should be easy, right?

That’s why we are releasing a complete redesign of our example courses library. Whether you need to create courses faster or just want to get a boost of inspiration – we’ve got you covered.

Our new updated library of 17 useful and diverse example courses is here to help you.

Each example course now gets a brief text description and a visually appealing thumbnail, so it’s more clear what the course is about and which one best suits your needs. And of course, the new example courses page gets a fresh look and alignment with our new branding (make sure you checked our all-new website and our new branding).

New example course pop-up

Choose the right authoring tool

Our experts created the ultimate guide to help you select an authoring tool that fits your organization’s needs.

Personalization during onboarding

When you start with Easygenerator, we want to make the process of discovering example courses easier. We also want to help you and your colleagues find the right example courses.

With this release, we now provide you with a personalized selection of courses that match your use cases and your role in the organization. But don’t worry, you are not limited by this personalized selection. You can always explore all the categories and available examples.

YouTube video
Here’s an overview of all example courses available to you in your Easygenerator account:

L&D oriented

  • Leadership
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Maths Fun

HR oriented

  • Onboarding new employees at Studio
  • Leadership
  • General guidelines
  • Anti-harassment
  • Meet our new team members

Instructional Design-oriented

  • Finance guide for people with disabilities
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Maths Fun

Marketing/Sales oriented

  • Leadership
  • Customer support training
  • Sharing experience and best practices

Product Management oriented

  • Software training: LearnLinq
  • Become a Microsoft Teams Pro

Compliance oriented

  • Data protection and confidentiality
  • Privacy awareness training
  • Data breaches and security incidents
  • Anti-harassment
  • Fire safety demo
  • GDPR compliance

Quality assurance oriented

  • GDPR Compliance

Courses on more generic topics

  • General guidelines

And, of course, we will continuously add new example courses to the library, so keep an eye on our regular updates.

Want to try it out? Then just sign in to Easygenerator and click ‘New course’.

What to expect in the coming months

Next to the co-authoring improvements, we see content editing as an important area to focus on in the coming months. So expect new features and improvements from us released regularly.

As always, if you like the update or have any questions regarding the product, please let me know in our in-app chat!

Ready to start creating courses?

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About the author

Valera Kontsedailo is the Product Owner at Easygenerator and has a PhD in information and communication technologies in education. Born and raised in Ukraine, he moved to the Netherlands in 2019 where he runs the product department of Easygenerator.