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Product update: March 2021

This month we have worked on a bunch of new features to make your experience with Easygenerator even better. Let us give you a quick overview so you can keep providing the best learning experiences – no matter what.  

Molly Brooks

What’s new?

Learners can now submit all answers at once when they have completed a course; new image blocks allow you to add a single image into a course without text or formatting; our newest resource, How-to, lets you can create step-by-step guides; learners can change their account name after initial registration; limit the number of attempts allowed per question; Malay, Indonesian, and Thai added as new languages so you can tailor course interfaces even more. Let’s explore these new features in more detail!

Submit all answers at once

Quizzing your learners just got easier than ever with Easygenerator’s new functionality! In our All-in-one template, authors can now customize question settings and enable learners to submit all answers at once. Learners will now find the “Submit all answers” button in the lower-left corner of the navigation panel. This feature allows learners to adjust their answers until the moment they opt to submit the course. To be sure progress is not lost, all answers will be stored in the cloud if learners take a break.

New image blocks

Do you want to add images to your course without any adding text or formatting? Now you can. With our new and simplified blocks, you can seamlessly add a single image to your courses to enhance the learning experience.

Covert PowerPoint to e-learning

Still using PowerPoint as e-learning? It’s time to stop. Watch our free webinar for expert tips on how to transform existing PowerPoints into interactive e-learning.

New resource: How-to

Last December we introduced Checklist as part of our new feature: Easygenerator Resources. To provide the best support to your employees with Just-in-Time information and standardized procedures, we have now added How-to. With How-to, you can create step-by-step guides for your learners to perform a specific task. With Easygenerator’s pre-defined structure, your entire workforce can quickly and easily provide concise instructions for colleagues at their moment of need. Now, you can give your learners the confidence to complete their jobs independently and correctly.

Learners can change the account name

Learners may fill out their name for a course in a rush and type meaningless or misspelled names. Now, they will be able to change their name after initial registration. Names can always be up to date to reduce confusion on the administrators’ end.

Limit the number of attempts allowed per question

You can now set a limited number of attempts per question in your quizzes, giving you more quality control over your courses. After answering a question incorrectly, your learners can easily keep track of their remaining attempts at the bottom of the page, based on the limit you’ve set for them. By making it clear how many tries your learners get, you create more incentive to internalize knowledge quickly, paving the way for a more meaningful learning experience.

New Languages: Malay, Indonesian, and Thai

Easygenerator is gaining popularity with authors and learners around the world. We’ve heard requests for even more languages, which is why we made Malay, Indonesian, and Thai available in our interface. Now you have more options to tailor courses for your learners, no matter where they are or what language they speak.

What’s next?

Want to know what’s next? All we can tell you is that next month’s updates will be great too. We are working on huge additions to the All in one template that will give you the possibility to assess your learners’ knowledge even better. Getting excited? So are we.

Check our previous updates so you won’t have to miss out on exciting features and improvements.

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About the author

Molly Brooks is a copywriter at Easygenerator. After growing up in America, she moved to the Netherlands in 2019 ready for a new adventure. She enjoys finding Rotterdam’s best restaurants, exploring the outdoors, and cooking.