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Product update: June 2022

This month, our product team has worked hard to enhance your experience with Easygenerator. We’re happy to present new and improved features so you can keep providing the best learning experiences. 

Inês Pinto

What’s new?

  • Automatically translate your e-learning course into 75 languages.
  • Apply a right-to-left template when you create courses in languages like Hebrew and Arabic.
  • Manage Groups and Admins more seamlessly in the dashboard.
  • Use new media content layouts in the tool.


You asked, we delivered. Easygenerator authors can now automatically translate their courses into 75 languages with just a few simple clicks. Existing customers can test out this add-on feature by requesting a free trial from our Customer Success team. Learn more about our auto-translation add-on here.

Right-to-Left course template

Easygenerator now offers a right-to-left (RTL) course template for learners. For courses using a language that is read right-to-left (such as Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, and Farsi), the course layout will now also be displayed right-to-left to fit the text accordingly. Organizations can set their custom language to be a right-to-left one. The RTL template will automatically be displayed for Arabic and Hebrew, and organizations will now have the option to mark their organization custom language as a RTL language as well.

Improved Group management

We want to make it as easy as possible for our authors to collaborate on the Easygenerator platform. That’s why we’ve added a new Group page under the My Organization tab that allows Admins to seamlessly manage their authors list and appoint group admins. Organization Owners and Admins can also now download the list of organization members to a CSV file – you’ll find this option under the My Organization tab.

New media content layouts

We’re continuing to improve our tool to make your e-learning course creation process more seamless. Authors now have new content layouts to choose from when adding media to their courses:

  • Images: A new layout is available to display three images with text.
  • Video: All image layout are now also available for video content.
  • Flip cards: Authors can now have image and text on the same side of a flip card.

What’s next?

Want to know what’s next? We’re working hard to add new features to make it even easier to share knowledge. Getting excited? So are we.

Check our previous updates so you won’t have to miss out on exciting features and improvements.

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About the author

Inês Pinto is the content manager at Easygenerator. Originally from Portugal, she grew up in Canada and the US before returning to Europe to complete her university studies. She currently resides in Rotterdam with her husband, daughter, and two dogs.