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Unlock the power of microlearning with Easygenerator

Transform your e-learning with a strategy built for the digital age. We introduce Easygenerator’s new feature: Microlearning. 

3 min. read • Sera Özkıvanç

The modern workforce is evolving. Our attention spans, declining. That is why corporate learning needs to be quick, precise, and engaging. The shift towards remote working conditions has also ignited new demands in learning and development. Traditional learning methods are becoming less effective, giving rise to new techniques for the fast-paced employee.  

One such innovation is microlearning.  

At Easygenerator, we’re excited to introduce a new feature that brings this concept to life: with Microlearning, you can deliver training content through interactive, bite-sized modules that meet your learners’ specific needs. 

A brief look into microlearning   

Microlearning isn’t just a condensed version of a lengthy course; it’s a strategic technique that delivers content to meet specific learning goals. A microlearning course tackles a single learning objective at a time. And it does so through targeted learning units that usually span 2-10 minutes. This method fosters better comprehension, allows for flexible scheduling, and can be crafted to incorporate various multimedia elements to cater to diverse learning styles. (Videos, interactive quizzes, and flip cards are popular approaches to crafting an engaging learning experience.) 

Why microlearning?  

Microlearning is a practical solution to the various pain points associated with corporate learning. Compared to traditional styles, it offers several key benefits: 

Fits into busy schedules 

Traditional learning often requires a considerable time commitment, becoming a hurdle in our busy lives. Microlearning, however, offers a reprieve from this burden. It imparts specific learning objectives within a time frame as short as a few minutes. This time-efficient approach fits seamlessly into even the most crowded schedules, providing learning opportunities to everyone, irrespective of their time constraints. 

Overcomes low attention spans 

Engagement is a cornerstone of effective learning, and traditional methods often struggle to maintain learner focus due to lengthy content. Microlearning, with its compact, bite-sized modules enriched with multimedia elements, boosts engagement and combats attention span limitations. These captivating learning nuggets spark interest and foster an engaging learning environment, dramatically increasing the chances of learner focus. 

At Easygenerator, we’re committed to keeping pace with the evolving world of L&D. And we want to empower our users to do the same. So why wait? Create a Microlearning course today, and discover how you can transform your e-learning efforts.


Why you should be creating microlearning and how to do it
Watch the webinar

Reinforces knowledge retention 

If you’re in any way involved with training, you likely know that long-term retention of information is a big challenge. Microlearning uses potent strategies like spaced repetition to counter this issue. It reinforces learning and helps learners remember key concepts over an extended period. With microlearning, learners grasp one concept at a time, resulting in a deep-rooted understanding and higher retention.  

Supports on-the-job learning 

In the real world, learners often require immediate access to specific information for on-the-job problem-solving. So lengthy courses aren’t a good fit. Microlearning fills this gap by offering on-demand, quick access to focused information. It empowers learners to find solutions swiftly and efficiently, without trawling through extensive courses. 

Accommodates diverse learning styles 

Not everyone learns the same way. Microlearning incorporates a wide range of multimedia elements and interactive formats, catering to diverse learning styles. This inclusive approach ensures a personalized, engaging learning experience for all. 

Reduces L&D costs 

Developing traditional, lengthy courses is a resource-intensive and time-consuming affair. It also results in high costs. Addressing smaller-scale training needs with short, targeted modules is highly cost-effective — especially if your employees generate the learning. The combination of both approaches will reduce both development time and resources needed.  

Master microlearning with Easygenerator 

Easygenerator’s new Microlearning feature simplifies the process of creating short, targeted courses. Authors can easily design engaging microlearning modules using Easygenerator’s existing features like:  

  • Video  
  • Audio  
  • Checklist 
  • Card sorting  
  • How To’s   
  • Hotspot image  
  • Flip cards 
  • Images 
  • FAQs 
  • Tables 

So, how do you get started? 

If you’re new, sign up for a free trial to create your Easygenerator account. For a quick start, you can use one of our customizable microlearning templatesIf you’re already an Easygenerator author, you should be familiar with the ‘Create’ tab. Instead of creating sections (as you did until now), you can freely drag and drop content pages in the content editor. Once you add all your content, move on to the ‘Configure’ tab. 

Selecting ‘Multiple page layout’ will organize your content into a regular e-learning course with sections. To create a microlearning module, select ‘One page layout.’ The end result will be a single scrolling page, like this:  

At Easygenerator, we’re committed to keeping pace with the evolving world of L&D. And we want to empower our users to do the same. So why wait? Create a Microlearning course today, and discover how you can transform your e-learning efforts. 

About the author

Sera Özkıvanç is a writer, marketer, and the resident content specialist at Easygenerator. Over the last four years, she’s written marketing content for various SaaS brands around the world. These days, she’s doing her best to embrace the rainy weather in Rotterdam.

Try Easygenerator for 14 days, no credit card required.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.