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Videhi Bhamidi
Why align learning strategy with business goals
Learn why you should align learning and business goals.
Alexandra Hemmer
• 5 min. read
8 key soft skills that will enhance employee performance
Equipping your employees with the right skills can lead to…
Alexandra Hemmer
How microlearning can support soft skills at your organization
Sometimes, content that's easy and quick to consume is more…
Alexandra Hemmer
Top 6 microlearning examples for effective e-learning
New to microlearning? These 6 examples will inspire you with…
Alexandra Hemmer
What is customer training? Benefits and how to create it
Customers don't become product experts upon signing up. A training…
Alexandra Hemmer
TOP 3 technical skills training for employees
The right technical skills can lead to faster project completion…
Alexandra Hemmer
• 3 min. read
6 steps to create effective microlearning courses
With microlearning as a dominant e-learning trend, it's important for…
70-20-10 criticisms
Kasper Spiro
• 3 min. read
70:20:10 model criticisms, origins and evidences
The 70:20:10 learning model has gained much attention over the…
Molly Brooks
Seven common mistakes when teaching soft skills online
Most organizations expect their employees to work independently, while at…
mobile learning best practices
Danielle Agass
5 mobile learning best practices
As an L&D professional, you know how useful new edtech…
Trends in learning and development
Kasper Spiro
The 4 tectonic shifts in L&D: major trends
There are a lot of exciting developments trending in the…
mobile learning
Danielle Agass
What is mobile learning (m-learning)? Benefits, limitations, and more.
Mobile learning is the key to effective learning and development…
Kasper Spiro
What is microlearning and why you should use it
Microlearning is the use of small pieces of content to…
pharma microlearning
Videhi Bhamidi
The power of microlearning for the pharmaceutical industry
The enormous scope of the pharmaceutical industry creates significant pressures…
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