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Inês Pinto
• 2 min. read
How to measure learning impact in 4 simple ways
Learn how to start measuring the impact of your training content in 4 easy ways today.
Inês Pinto
3 Challenges in e-learning content creation (and how to avoid them)
Learn how to overcome the most common challenges in e-learning…
Molly Brooks
• 2 min. read
How to create a training module: Your step-by-step guide
Get expert tips on how to develop a training module…
70-20-10 in practice
Kasper Spiro
How to create and implement 70:20:10 development plan
The 70:20:10 model has been a popular learning model since…
Kasper Spiro
How the 70:20:10 rule applies to business innovation
In business, there are two variants of the 70:20:10 model…
Danielle Agass
• 4 min. read
How to create interactive training modules step by step
With a user-friendly authoring tool, anyone can create interactive and…
learning outcome
Kasper Spiro
The difference between “learning objectives” and “learning outcomes”
This article discusses the differences between "learning objectives" and "learning…
training program
Danielle Agass
• 4 min. read
How to create an effective training program in 7 steps
In business, there are not a lot of guarantees. However,…
how to beat the forgetting curve
Kasper Spiro
How to beat the forgetting curve
Long-term retention of learning is hard to achieve through one-off…
how and why share knowledge
Kasper Spiro
• 3 min. read
Why knowledge sharing in the workplace is the key to success
Sharing your knowledge through an e-learning course is a great…
Alexandra Hemmer
• 2 min. read
5 tips on how to create a customer service training program
Great customer service can lead to higher customer retention rates…
Assessment types
Videhi Bhamidi
• 3 min. read
Different types of e-learning assessments and questions
Assessments help you evaluate your learners’ or colleagues' understanding of…
how to write an elearning course
Kasper Spiro
Tips for writing an e-learning course with high learning impact
When it comes to e-learning, less is more. Authors should…
learning objectives
Kasper Spiro
How to write learning objectives effectively
Using learning objectives is the first and probably most important…
create courses following these steps
Kasper Spiro
Follow these three easy steps to create high-impact courses
We’ve put together this simple three-step process, which you can…
writing learning objectives
Kasper Spiro
3 Easy steps to writing learning objectives
The most effective trainers are those who can guide the…
NPS survey
Danielle Agass
Optimize your e-learning with the learner satisfaction survey
When it comes to the effectiveness of your e-learning course,…
implementing egl
Kasper Spiro
5 tips for implementing Employee-generated Learning
Moving towards Employee-generated Learning is not easy, but the recommendations…
70-20-10 employee-generated learning
Kasper Spiro
Implementing 70:20:10 framework with Employee-generated-learning
70:20:10 can be an effective learning model for your organization…
blended classroom
Kasper Spiro
What is a blended classroom and how to design it?
Research has shown that a blended approach to learning improves…
results tracking
Danielle Agass
Best ways to track results in e-learning
Creating engaging, effective and didactically-sound courses is probably your main…
How to create courses
Danielle Agass
How to create e-learning courses in 5 simple steps
Scalability, cost-savings, flexibility, engagement, the benefits of e-learning are countless…
monthly training session blended learning
Danielle Agass
Monthly training session: Blended learning
In our latest monthly training session, we spoke with Electrolux…
rich interactions
Kasper Spiro
Monthly training session: Building rich interactions
Learners don’t always want to sit through a formal training…
course reviews
Kasper Spiro
Monthly training session: Course reviews
In our monthly training session, we asked our customers to…
Bite size
Kasper Spiro
Learn the optimal size for e-learning design: Bite size is the right size
When it comes to e-learning, less is more. Authors should…
Kasper Spiro
Dyslexie font added to Easygenerator to assist learners with Dyslexia
The Station Rotation model of blended learning has seen success…
Try Easygenerator for 14 days, no credit card required.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.
  • Get unlimited design inspirations. Level up your courses.
  • Upload your PowerPoint presentations. Get instant courses created.