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The #Generators
AI vs. Employee-generated Learning content
Discover the contrasting outcomes of AI-generated and SME-generated learning content.
The #Generators
How ChatGPT can help create better e-learning content
ChatGPT is a highly valuable tool for e-learning authors. Learn…
Inês Pinto
How to leverage the Creator Economy in L&D with Employee-generated Learning
We’ve all heard about the creator economy. But what does…
Videhi Bhamidi
What the Creator Economy means for the future of corporate learning
We’ve all heard about the creator economy. But what does…
change egl mindset
Danielle Agass
How to switch to an Employee-generated Learning mindset
Employee-generated Learning has a huge number of benefits, but changing…
egl publishing and sharing
Videhi Bhamidi
Publishing and sharing: showcasing know-how
A critical factor in the success of any Employee-generated Learning…
Videhi Bhamidi
Co-creation: Employee-enerated Learning and collaboration
Social collaboration, sharing assets and pooling resources are important requirements…
EGL creation
Videhi Bhamidi
Creation: Making it easier for employees to generate and share their content
We know how difficult it can be sometimes to get…
Initiation - EGL
Videhi Bhamidi
Initiation: Equipping your employees with the right tools
Lew Platt, Hewlett-Packard’s CEO, hit the nail on the head…
Employee-generated learning
Videhi Bhamidi
Introduction to Employee-generated Learning with Easygenerator
Employee-generated Learning (EGL) is becoming mainstream in the corporate world.…
implementing egl
Kasper Spiro
5 tips for implementing Employee-generated Learning
Moving towards Employee-generated Learning is not easy, but the recommendations…
70-20-10 employee-generated learning
Kasper Spiro
Implementing 70:20:10 framework with Employee-generated-learning
70:20:10 can be an effective learning model for your organization…
e learning success stories of Electrolux
Kasper Spiro
How 3 enterprises tackled budget restraints & increased training requests
Learn how T-Mobile, Electrolux, and Nielsen were able to tackle…
fmcg e-learning
Kasper Spiro
Getting started with e-learning in the FMCG industry
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) is one of the world’s most…
maintenance and quality assurance
Videhi Bhamidi
Maintenance and quality assurance: letting employees own and maintain content
Keeping Employee-generated Learning (EGL) relevant and up-to-date can be a…
Other 702010
Kasper Spiro
The Other 70:20:10 Rule
Did you know a similar 70:20:10 rule applies to creating…
authoring tool deep dive
Kasper Spiro
Authoring tools deep dive: What do users create with Easygenerator?
Authoring tools are used for lots of different types of…
12 edtech tools
Kasper Spiro
12 tools for getting ahead with Employee-generated Learning
How can L&D teams find the right solution while also…
egl success stories
Kasper Spiro
Managing The Shift To Employee-generated Learning: 3 Success Stories
Learning departments face inevitable questions as they move toward Employee-generated…
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