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How to create responsive e-learning

In a world that is constantly on the move, ensuring that the information necessary to perform specific tasks is accessible and adaptable across multiple devices is a must. We call this responsive e-learning design. Discover why it’s important and how to create it easily.  

Molly Brooks

What is responsive e-learning design?

Imagine you’ve just started a new job. You spend most of your first week sitting behind your desk taking onboarding courses and job-specific training on a computer. You’re feeling confident in your knowledge after a week, so your boss decides it’s time to get your hands dirty. You’re on-site, ready to get started, and you realize you want a refresher of some material. So, you pull out your phone, pull up the course on a specific topic, and start studying. Though the course design is slightly different from that on the computer, all the important content you need is there, just in a mobile format.

This is responsive e-learning design. Making content accessible across multiple devices, ensuring the content and user experience stays the same.

Why does responsive design matter for e-learning?

As we grow into a society that is increasingly dependent on our mobile devices, it is not realistic to assume that learning content will only be accessed through computers. So, it’s no wonder that creating responsive learning content has actually become one of the best practices for e-learning. We can break this down into three key reasons why it’s important to create responsive e-learning:

  • Mobile learning is becoming more popular: It’s estimated that almost 75% of the world will only use their mobile phones to access the internet by 2025. As such, mobile and responsive learning is quickly becoming a standard for modern companies to keep up with learner preferences and make training content equally accessible through mobile devices.
  • Training should always be available: It’s risky to assume that employees will remember every important detail of their training content. When they’re on the job, they may want to refer to the content. With responsive e-learning, they can easily access the information they need in a format that is easily digestible.
  • Better learning experiences: To enhance success and learning outcomes, the material should be available, engaging, and digestible no matter how or where learners are accessing it. With responsive e-learning design, learners can have equally effective experiences whether they access it from their mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

How to create responsive e-learning

With the importance of creating responsive e-learning design established, we’ll reveal a few simple steps you can take in your organization to get started:

  • Use Microlearning: Microlearning may already be a standard in your organization. If not, it’s a great idea to get started. While it’s proven to increase engagement with learning material and supply better learning outcomes, it’s also easily adaptable across devices.
  • Make key points stand out: It’s likely that your users may be quickly scrolling through the learning content. So, make sure that the most important points are made clear and noticeable. Especially on smaller devices, you need to be strategic with the small space available.
  • Keep it to one page (if possible): In the case of responsive e-learning design, the fewer clicks the better. If users can stay on a single page and only need to scroll, they are more likely to engage with all the content in the course.

What are the benefits of responsive e-learning?

With the foundation for how you can get started creating a responsive e-learning set, let’s look at some of the key benefits to look out for when implementing this strategy:

  • Better engagement: It’s no question that when learners can access material at a time and place that is most convenient for them, they are more likely to be engaged with the material. As a result, if they are getting the same learning experience across devices, learning outcomes will also increase.
  • Cost-effective: If training can be accessible across multiple devices, you don’t need to coordinate specific times training will take place. If it is traditionally in-person, responsive e-learning can easily take the place to save the time and money needed to conduct such training while ensuring essential information is shared with learners.
  • More accessibility = better outcomes: With responsive e-learning, learners can access valuable information in a time of need. This can mitigate the risk that necessary steps or key elements will be missed on the job which will increase overall performance.

Discover why e-learning is better.

Create responsive e-learning with Easygenerator

Easygenerator is the perfect solution to get started with responsive e-learning design. With an interface that is designed to be equally accessible across multiple devices, it’s easier than ever to get started. A full library of responsive e-learning templates is also available in the tool to give you a head start in creating courses that give learners an immersive experience, no matter how or where they access the material.

Ready to create responsive e-learning courses?

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About the author

Molly Brooks is a copywriter at Easygenerator. After growing up in America, she moved to the Netherlands in 2019 ready for a new adventure. She enjoys finding Rotterdam’s best restaurants, exploring the outdoors, and cooking.