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Sera Özkıvanç
Why you should build a course outline for your
e-learning (and how)
Craft better courses by generating your outline with Outline Builder.
Sera Özkıvanç
What is microlearning?
Microlearning: a bite-sized learning approach that is transforming corporate training.
Sera Özkıvanç
Mastering employee training: benefits and strategies
Employee training holds the key to unlocking the full potential…
Sera Özkıvanç
Hybrid learning to boost employee engagement in training
Hybrid learning is a training approach that accommodates both in-person…
Inês Pinto
How to create a video for e-learning: Step-by-step guide
Video-based learning is becoming increasingly popular. Ready to get started?…
Inês Pinto
How to keep your corporate learning content updated
Keeping learning content up to date is crucial for your…
Inês Pinto
• 4 min. read
E-learning accessibility: definition, best practices and more
Learn how to make your e-learning content accessible for all…
Inês Pinto
3 Challenges in e-learning content creation (and how to avoid them)
Learn how to overcome the most common challenges in e-learning…
Molly Brooks
• 2 min. read
How to create a training module: Your step-by-step guide
Get expert tips on how to develop a training module…
70-20-10 in practice
Kasper Spiro
How to create and implement 70:20:10 development plan
The 70:20:10 model has been a popular learning model since…
Kasper Spiro
How the 70:20:10 rule applies to business innovation
In business, there are two variants of the 70:20:10 model…
Molly Brooks
How to create responsive e-learning
Responsive e-learning should be a standard in your organization. Discover…
Videhi Bhamidi
Synchronous vs asynchronous learning: learn their advantages and disadvantages
What's the difference between asynchronous and synchronous learning? We'll shed…
Kasper Spiro
Top 15 E-learning Thought Leaders to Follow in 2022
The e-learning industry is booming. Several professionals are instrumental in…
Molly Brooks
What is on-demand training and how to get started
In the fast-paced world we live in, on-demand training is…
Danielle Agass
• 4 min. read
How to create interactive training modules step by step
With a user-friendly authoring tool, anyone can create interactive and…
A La Carte Model Blended Learning
Kasper Spiro
A La Carte Model
The A La Carte model of blended learning allows your…
E-learning best practices
Kasper Spiro
• 3 min. read
E-learning best practices: Nine cornerstones of effective course creation
Most people in the workforce are experts in a certain…
Videhi Bhamidi
• 2 min. read
Top 5 e-learning examples to enhance learner engagement
These 5 content types will inspire your next e-learning creation…
Alexandra Hemmer
• 3 min. read
What is video-based learning? The future of learning explained
YouTube alone makes up a third of the internet. Find…
training program
Danielle Agass
• 4 min. read
How to create an effective training program in 7 steps
In business, there are not a lot of guarantees. However,…
Alexandra Hemmer
• 4 min. read
Gamification in e-learning: What is it? Examples and benefits
Sometimes you need to play hard to work hard.
how to beat the forgetting curve
Kasper Spiro
How to beat the forgetting curve
Long-term retention of learning is hard to achieve through one-off…
Alexandra Hemmer
What is cloud-based learning: Benefits and how to get started
5 reasons cloud-based tools are better than desktop tools.
Danielle Agass
What’s the difference between an authoring tool and an LMS?
If you’re new to e-learning or considering upgrading your existing…
Station Rotation
Kasper Spiro
• 3 min. read
Rotate your classroom with Station Rotation Model
The Station Rotation model of blended learning has seen success…
Alexandra Hemmer
Custom eLearning course development: What it is and how to implement it
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to training your employees. Here's…
Videhi Bhamidi
• 2 min. read
What is content curation in L&D and how to use it?
Instead of creating content from scratch, save time by leveraging…
Videhi Bhamidi
Social learning theory: How to apply it in the workplace
Some of our biggest learning events happen in social settings.…
how and why share knowledge
Kasper Spiro
• 3 min. read
Why knowledge sharing in the workplace is the key to success
Sharing your knowledge through an e-learning course is a great…
learner feedback
Kasper Spiro
Give your learners useful feedback
When learners make a mistake, they are usually curious to…
Alexandra Hemmer
How to create effective storyboards for e-learning (+ FREE template)
Before creating your learning content, consider mapping your ideas out…
Rapid e-learning development
Alexandra Hemmer
What is rapid e-learning?
Traditional methods of creating e-learning are time-consuming. Here's how to…
benefits of blended learning
Kasper Spiro
6 benefits of blended learning and why you should use the approach
If you have been in the teaching/training/learning scene recently, you…
Alexandra Hemmer
Why adaptive learning is the future of corporate training
It's about leveraging technology for personalized learning experiences.
Alexandra Hemmer
Corporate training: Examples, benefits, and more.
It's about responding to your employees' learning needs effectively.
Assessment types
Videhi Bhamidi
• 3 min. read
Different types of e-learning assessments and questions
Assessments help you evaluate your learners’ or colleagues' understanding of…
Alexandra Hemmer
Online Learning vs Face-to-Face Learning: Why is e-learning better?
Online learning is here to stay.
The #Generators
E-learning content: Cost or value?
Concerned about the costs of e-learning? We have a better…
Develop an Asynchronous Learning Strategy
Videhi Bhamidi
Maximize your asynchronous learning strategy: 8 tips for success
Want to know what it takes to create an effective…
Kasper Spiro
Learning Ecosystem: what is it and why do you need one?
A well-planned learning ecosystem can make a big difference in…
Molly Brooks
What is Cognitive Overload and how to reduce it in e-learning
Cognitive Overload can take a toll on the productivity of…
benefits of online learning platforms
Kasper Spiro
Top 10 benefits of e-learning for your employees
E-learning (or online learning) is changing our entire understanding of…
Tectonic shifts in L&D tools
Kasper Spiro
The 4 tectonic shifts in L&D: tools, systems, and platforms
In this second part, we’ll focus on how L&D trends…
how to write an elearning course
Kasper Spiro
Tips for writing an e-learning course with high learning impact
When it comes to e-learning, less is more. Authors should…
Molly Brooks
Overcoming the L&D crisis: How L&D can thrive, even in times of uncertainty
Time to get our L&D priorities straight. Here are some…
Molly Brooks
How to convert in-person training to online training
How can L&D and HR professionals switch from in-person training…
Molly Brooks
Why e-learning is perfect for soft skills training
Soft skills are essential in the workplace. But how do…
Molly Brooks
Performance Support: Definition, Benefits, and Tips.
Let's talk about Performance Support. This new approach to that…
Molly Brooks
Scaling up your training output from home: The opportunities of remote learning
Remote learning is a great opportunity for L&D teams to…
Molly Brooks
Edtech: What are the latest big elearning trends?
Chances are, you’re reading this in your home office right…
learning objectives
Kasper Spiro
How to write learning objectives effectively
Using learning objectives is the first and probably most important…
create courses following these steps
Kasper Spiro
Follow these three easy steps to create high-impact courses
We’ve put together this simple three-step process, which you can…
Danielle Agass
• 2 min. read
Want to create effective e-learning content? Stop using PowerPoint!
If you’ve ever had to sit through a lengthy PowerPoint…
Shifts in content creation
Kasper Spiro
The 4 tectonic shifts in L&D: content creation
In this third and final article, we’ll consider how the…
The #Generators
Top 5 adult learning theories every instructional designer must know
Trends in learning and development
Kasper Spiro
The 4 tectonic shifts in L&D: major trends
There are a lot of exciting developments trending in the…
CLO Awards 2019
Kasper Spiro
Easygenerator Wins Excellence in Blended Learning Award
Easygenerator has won the Bronze Excellence in Blended Learning Award,…
mobile learning
Danielle Agass
What is mobile learning (m-learning)? Benefits, limitations, and more.
Mobile learning is the key to effective learning and development…
NPS survey
Danielle Agass
Optimize your e-learning with the learner satisfaction survey
When it comes to the effectiveness of your e-learning course,…
powerpoint to e-learning
Kasper Spiro
Turn your PowerPoint into effective e-learning
How do we enable employees to share knowledge with less…
implementing egl
Kasper Spiro
5 tips for implementing Employee-generated Learning
Moving towards Employee-generated Learning is not easy, but the recommendations…
Beyond PowerPoint mindset
Kasper Spiro
How to convert PowerPoint to eLearning
It's hard to imagine the business world today without PowerPoint.…
Brandon Hall Award 2019
Kasper Spiro
Electrolux & Easygenerator win Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Award
In order to meet growing training needs spread across multiple…
engaging e-learning
Kasper Spiro
11 Insider tips to increase e-learning engagement - Part 2
As part of this mini-series on developing e-learning, we take…
engaging e-learning
Kasper Spiro
11 Insider tips to increase e-learning engagement - Part 1
No matter how sophisticated your e-learning tool, or how important…
How to turn curation into knowledge sharing
Kasper Spiro
How to turn curation into knowledge sharing
Within the 70:20:10 framework, curation is one of the quickest…
70-20-10 employee-generated learning
Kasper Spiro
Implementing 70:20:10 framework with Employee-generated-learning
70:20:10 can be an effective learning model for your organization…
How to brainstorm to develop a Lab Rotation Model
Kasper Spiro
Lab Rotation Model
Lab Rotation is a popular model of blended learning, allowing…
blended learning top tips
Danielle Agass
10 Tips for successful blended learning
A blended learning approach, as the name suggests, refers to…
authoring tools
Danielle Agass
7 types of e-learning authoring tools – Explore their pros & cons
If your organization is in the market for a new…
blended learning best practices
Danielle Agass
Top 5 blended learning best practices
Blended learning is one of the most efficient learning and…
results tracking
Danielle Agass
Best ways to track results in e-learning
Creating engaging, effective and didactically-sound courses is probably your main…
How to create courses
Danielle Agass
How to create e-learning courses in 5 simple steps
Scalability, cost-savings, flexibility, engagement, the benefits of e-learning are countless…
monthly training session blended learning
Danielle Agass
Monthly training session: Blended learning
In our latest monthly training session, we spoke with Electrolux…
employee retention
Danielle Agass
The role of e-learning in onboarding and employee retention
While recruitment is generally considered to be the hardest aspect…
pharma microlearning
Videhi Bhamidi
The power of microlearning for the pharmaceutical industry
The enormous scope of the pharmaceutical industry creates significant pressures…
e learning success stories of Electrolux
Kasper Spiro
How 3 enterprises tackled budget restraints & increased training requests
Learn how T-Mobile, Electrolux, and Nielsen were able to tackle…
compliance course part 5
Videhi Bhamidi
9 practical steps to creating engaging compliance e-learning: Part 5
In this final part of our five-part series on compliance…
compliance course part 4
Videhi Bhamidi
9 practical steps to creating engaging compliance e-learning: Part 4
In the first three parts of this five-part series, we’ve…
compliance course part 3
Videhi Bhamidi
9 practical steps to creating engaging compliance e-learning: Part 3
In parts one and two of this five-part series, you’ve…
compliance course part 2
Videhi Bhamidi
9 practical steps to creating engaging compliance e-learning: Part 2
In part one of this five-part series about compliance e-learning,…
Engaging compliance training
Videhi Bhamidi
9 practical steps to creating engaging compliance e-learning: Part 1
For many trainers as well as learners, compliance training is…
fmcg e-learning
Kasper Spiro
Getting started with e-learning in the FMCG industry
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) is one of the world’s most…
rich interactions
Kasper Spiro
Monthly training session: Building rich interactions
Learners don’t always want to sit through a formal training…
2019 trends
Kasper Spiro
5 e-learning trends for 2019
Another year, another chance to look ahead to some of…
course reviews
Kasper Spiro
Monthly training session: Course reviews
In our monthly training session, we asked our customers to…
Kasper Spiro
Kasper Spiro
Easygenerator wins the Golden Excellence in E-Learning Award
Recognition for Easygenerator’s accomplishments with implementing Employee-generated Learning at large…
e-learning content curation
Kasper Spiro
Best practices for content curation
Sharing your knowledge through an e-learning course is a great…
e-learning feedback
Kasper Spiro
Collect learner input with the Easygenerator NPS feature
How satisfied are your learners with the learning content you’ve…
Bite size
Kasper Spiro
Learn the optimal size for e-learning design: Bite size is the right size
When it comes to e-learning, less is more. Authors should…
avoid e-learning errors
Kasper Spiro
3 costly e-learning errors all L&D professionals must avoid
The advantages of high-quality online learning for employees, teams, and…
2018 learning trends
Kasper Spiro
2018 Learning & Development Trends
In this article we look at the key learning and…
Other 702010
Kasper Spiro
The Other 70:20:10 Rule
Did you know a similar 70:20:10 rule applies to creating…
e-learning and blended learning
Danielle Agass
Adopting a blended learning approach: the why and how
Fundamental to the success of blended learning is successful e-learning…
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