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A La Carte Model

The A La Carte model combines face-to-face instruction with an elective online course chosen by the learner according to their interests or needs. This way, a trainer can expand the range of study resources that learners may choose from in order to boost their motivation and ultimately personalize their learning path.

Kasper Spiro
a la carte

The A La Carte model is a blended learning approach that lets learners take an online course in addition to the core curriculum, providing them with more flexibility over their schedules. It’s important to learn what blended learning is before diving into its various models.  

Corporate training may hugely benefit from the A La Carte model by saving the employees time and effort. Instead of attending in-class lectures, they can take an online course while commuting to work or in the comfort of their own home. This model is gaining popularity both in the educational and corporate environment because it gives learners the opportunity to control their time, place, and pace while mastering their skills and knowledge.
Learn how to shift from classroom to online training effectively.

Benefits of an A La Carte model

  • Personalized learning paths. Learners can be empowered by taking charge of their own learning, making them more engaged with the subject matter. Trainers can then provide personal 1-to-1 support in person or online.
  • Learn at their own pace. Students who need to take extra time over certain topics can do.
  • Enables you to train more employees with fewer resources. As with most L&D departments, your training resources are probably limited. By its digital nature, an A La Carte model enables you to reach more employees with fewer resources.
  • Learning can take place on their own time, so time is not taken away from their other work duties. They can learn on their commute or from the comfort of their own home.
  • More engaging and interactive. E-learning is simply more fun than traditional learning, and employees can learn while doing.

Level up your L&D projects

Create more engaging L&D initiatives with a blended learning model. Download our free guide to get started today.

Limitations of an A La Carte model

There will be an initial outlay in terms of time and cost in order to create or provide an A La Carte library of e-learning courses. However, this will balance out once your online learning is up and running and you’re able to save on face-to-face training resources.

By utilizing a user-friendly, low-cost, cloud-based e-learning authoring tool, like Easygenerator, creating the online training courses for your A La Carte model needn’t be challenging or expensive. You can even employ an Employee-generated Learning approach and delegate course creation to the subject matter experts around your business. Give Easygenerator a try with a no-obligation 14-day trial, and see how it can help you implement an A La Carte model of blended learning.

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About the author

Kasper Spiro is the Co-founder and Chief learning strategist of Easygenerator and a recognized thought leader in the world of e-learning. With over 30 years of experience, he is a frequently asked keynote speaker and well-renowned blogger within the e-learning community.