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Danielle Agass
• 4 min. read
How to create interactive training modules step by step
With a user-friendly authoring tool, anyone can create interactive and engaging training content.
Danielle Agass
What’s the difference between an authoring tool and an LMS?
If you’re new to e-learning or considering upgrading your existing…
Kasper Spiro
• 1 min. read
SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004
There are two versions of SCORM available on the market:…
Assessment types
Videhi Bhamidi
• 3 min. read
Different types of e-learning assessments and questions
Assessments help you evaluate your learners’ or colleagues' understanding of…
Igor Rudi
Product update: April & May 2020
New from the past months: results per learner; organization logo;…
Igor Rudi
Product update: March 2020
New this month: our brand new product - Easygenerator for…
Tables in Easygenerator
Igor Rudi
Product update: February 2020
The new tables feature and formatting options are now live…
mobile learning best practices
Danielle Agass
5 mobile learning best practices
As an L&D professional, you know how useful new edtech…
Danielle Agass
• 2 min. read
Want to create effective e-learning content? Stop using PowerPoint!
If you’ve ever had to sit through a lengthy PowerPoint…
Shifts in content creation
Kasper Spiro
The 4 tectonic shifts in L&D: content creation
In this third and final article, we’ll consider how the…
do you need an lms
Videhi Bhamidi
Do you need an LMS?
Learning management systems - or LMS - have been core…
intro to scorm
Kasper Spiro
What is SCORM and how does it work?
You’ve probably heard of the benefits of SCORM but maybe…
what is scorm compliant
Kasper Spiro
• 2 min. read
SCORM-compliance in e-learning courses
For many companies who are new to e-learning, it can…
Beyond PowerPoint mindset
Kasper Spiro
How to convert PowerPoint to eLearning
It's hard to imagine the business world today without PowerPoint.…
What are the differences between SCORM and xAPI (Tin Can) when it comes to course transfer
Kasper Spiro
To date, it is still the standard for result tracking,…
authoring tools
Danielle Agass
7 types of e-learning authoring tools – Explore their pros & cons
If your organization is in the market for a new…
Product update - Jan 2019
Igor Rudi
Product update: January 2019
As we continue to improve Easygenerator, we want to keep…
tips for first online course
Kasper Spiro
3 things you need to know before creating your first online course
The growth in e-learning authoring tools has been one of…
avoid e-learning errors
Kasper Spiro
3 costly e-learning errors all L&D professionals must avoid
The advantages of high-quality online learning for employees, teams, and…
Kasper Spiro
Dyslexie font added to Easygenerator to assist learners with Dyslexia
The Station Rotation model of blended learning has seen success…
authoring tool deep dive
Kasper Spiro
Authoring tools deep dive: What do users create with Easygenerator?
Authoring tools are used for lots of different types of…
6 questions authoring tool
Kasper Spiro
6 questions to ask before choosing an e-learning authoring tool
With literally hundreds of options available, it can be tricky…
Try Easygenerator for 14 days, no credit card required.
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  • Get unlimited design inspirations. Level up your courses.
  • Upload your PowerPoint presentations. Get instant courses created.